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The Best Dermatologist

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Cold Sore-The 5 Best Remedies

Cold sore (fever blisters) is usually caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus. According to recent research about two-thirds of adults are going through HSV -1. Cold sore usually occurs in the upper area of your body, around lips and mouth or it can affect any areas of your body including the tongue. Try a few home remedies that can be effective for both treatment and prevention of cold sores.​


Lemon balm contains antiviral properties that can be very effective for reducing redness and swelling of the infection. To use this remedy, take at least one lemon balm or you can also use a compress made of lemon balm to get similar benefits. Apple cider vinegar and don’t use full cider vinegar as it can be too intense to use directly on the infected surface. Dermatologist to avoid irritation on your skin dilute it and then use it twice per day.


Honey has a lot of popularity for healing injuries and helping wounds on your skin. All those people who are fond of using Lysine usually didn’t experience the recurrence of cold sores but we can’t say that using lysine won’t prevent the occurrence of a cold sore, but it doesn’t hurt to try.


Use Peppermint oil and other essential oil like ginger, thyme, hyssop, and sandalwood but remember don’t apply essential oil directly to the skin without being diluted with the carrier oil . While having a cold sore, don’t touch an open sore and after touching don’t wash your hand immediately. if you try to squeeze the infected area it will spread the virus to someone else. While having this issue don’t intimate with your Partner and eat acidic food. if the cold sore linger more than two weeks or the sores are spreading on other parts of your body then it’s time to see your dermatologist immediately.

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